Mass Tank offers top-quality underground storage tanks (USTs) designed to safely contain various products (including potable water, waste water, fire suppression water, chemicals, or fuels) over the long term.
Read on to learn about the types of underground tanks available from Mass Tank, their applications, common materials used, and more.
As a leading underground storage tank manufacturer, Mass Tank offers the following types of underground tanks.
A UST can include any tank buried at least 10% underground. For water storage, large tanks or containers can be placed beneath the ground for various purposes. They offer a space-saving solution for adequately storing water for commercial and industrial applications, with capacities ranging from 500 gallons up to 50,000 gallons.
These tanks capture oily wastewater in maintenance and industrial areas. They are designed to remove high volumes of mechanically emulsified and free oil from the wastewater.
A wastewater tank is a large container used to safely treat and store wastewater from various sources, including industrial processes, grey water, and other applications. As the wastewater fills the tank, solids settle at the bottom and create a sludge that must be removed. The primary goal of this tank is to treat the water before it gets released back into the environment or sent to a sewage treatment plant.
Fire suppression tanks store water for sprinkler system use when a municipal water supply is not enough to suppress a fire. They are also used as water reserves for firefighting in remote areas, such as national parks and wildlife areas.
Potable underground water storage is an affordable and effective means for municipalities to store drinking water for their communities. These tanks provide an optimal solution for areas with limited aboveground land availability. The tanks are easy to maintain and have built-in resilience against damage from external forces such as vandalism and extreme weather.
Mass Tank has extensive knowledge and expertise in fabricating custom pressure vessels that adhere to the stringent standards of Sections VIII Div. 1 and Sec I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Our top-quality ASME pressure vessels play a vital role in various industrial applications, with the capability to safely contain reactive agents (at pressures exceeding 15 psi).
Our expert team can develop process-specific designs for ASME pressure vessels of varying sizes, meeting the demands of a broad range of industrial requirements. Each container is designed to efficiently handle exothermic and endothermic reactions in chemical, glycol, hydro, and vacuum applications.
In addition to our custom underground tank fabrication capabilities, Mass Tank offers the following value-added services to give clients a full-suite solution.
A tank inspection is essential for maintaining the safety and integrity of storage vessels in water, oil, gas, chemical, and other volatile industries. Our experienced team regularly conducts thorough tank inspections to verify compliance with industry standards and to prevent potential hazards. The process evaluates the tank’s structure, components, and materials to identify any existing defects, corrosion, or leaks.
Our field services play an integral role in preserving the safety, longevity, and integrity of our tanks used in the water industry, oil and gas, petrochemical, water treatment, and other industrial applications. Proper tank maintenance encompasses a combination of cleaning, inspections, repairs, and protective measures so that the tanks continue functioning safely and efficiently.
Proactive field maintenance is crucial to:
For more than 100 years, Mass Tank has been manufacturing high-quality industrial steel tank products. As a licensed Steel Tank Institute (STI) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL) manufacturer, our underground storage tanks offer unsurpassed quality and benefits for municipal, wastewater, fire suppression, potable water, and other industrial applications.
Contact us or request a quote to learn more about our underground storage tank capabilities.